It's all about the weather
After some weeks of not being able shooting some fresh landscapes I found some time grabbing the photo bag and get going. Read more about it in my blog:
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Panorama Loovelden Golden Hour
Day 39 of the #nldazuu50mmchallenge was all about panorama photography, as I consider the 50 mm. the ideal lens for shooting pano's. Read about it and watch more photo's of yesterday evening in my blog:
Playing with filters @sunset at the river Waal
Playing around with Benro filters which I had for couple of days for testing purposes from In this image I used a hard grad ND4 and a grey filter ND16(1.2) - 4 stops for the washed out water effect. These filters are top quality glas and as you can see, when shooting front light into the sun, even the sunstar is extremely good.
Huissen @Kaarslicht 2016 | Huissen @Candle light 2016
Every year our town hosts an event called Huissen by candle light. This year again it was rainy drizzly weather, but despite that the lights where on and me and my photo buddy Patrick cameras where prepped too the max. Shooting high ISO's is the case during this event, as you can imagine it is dark outside 😉 and I can say the ISO6400 is possible for on screen audience.
View our full series of images on my webpage:
Huissen Grote Bloem the Tree in the water
One of these late October sunrises. I decided to visit the floodplains. This tree in the water I had shot before, but thanks to the low water level I could get very close from another angle.
It was scary because at some point I dipped in the mud too deep, hardly getting my rain boots out of it! Eventually I got a clear shot just as I hoped for, fog, calm water, and reflection.
One of these rare moments in 2016 I will not easy forget, this shot is one of my personal 2016 favorites. Wish you all a nice day. Thanks for your comments and favs. I appreciate those!
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Autumn fills sky with colors | Huissen october 2016
being out in the fields and being able to capture scenes like this.... I just can't get enough..
more images from this colorful sunset:
Enjoy and in case your interested follow me on other channels as well for more photo fun 😉
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de Grote Bloem @Sunset
Rain clouds drifting in and a sunset... a huge rainbow over the horizon.... allowing me to shoot this landscape over the recently harvest mais field. I needed to quickly shoot this panorama, colors changed every 5 minutes.
See more of this photo series at my photoblog:
Enjoy and in case your interested follow me on other channels as well for more photo fun 😉
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Sister love | A night out on the Defensiedijk #Bemmelerwaard
After a long time finally a nice moment out shooting with photo buddy P@tje. Spotting a new place in the town we live.
For a short moment a little touch of colours lighting up the little dike house where the man kept sitting calling..... later we found out he had his sister on the phone when we asked him if we could take a shot without him...
When developing this shot I actually think it is nice having him in the frame.....
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A colorful night out; Het Eiland #Loovelden Huissen
While sitting outside, seeing the sunset bringing nice colours in the sky. Left a conversation with other photographers in a Life in Pixel messenger chat. Grabbed my tripod, just took the 16-35 lens, connected the Lee Polarisation filter and took some other filters....resulting after words with some Lightroom editing in this picture.... I love this scenery..... the calm water and the nice vivid colours... Have a nice one all....
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A Colourfull sunset in Huissen
a more recent shot from around the corner..... some big clouds during sunset...that happens not so much..... time to enjoy Fuji colours with a touch of Lightroom, Photoshop and ColourFX pro... Enjoy..
I didn't decide to be a photographer, I just happened to fall into it!
So true this phrase from Bernice Abbott. She was an American photographer best known for her black-and-white photography of New York City architecture and urban design of the 1930's
The passion during last weeks foggy continues gave me so much joy. Fog transforms a landscape and when the sun brings colour and light to just keep pressing the trigger and every picture is a fairy tale.
Have a nice saturday and please visit my blog as well for recent adventures and stories on
Huissense schaapskudde
Met de hele dag de meest fraaie wolkenlandschappen hoopte ik tijdens het gouden uurtje dat er nog wat wolken zouden overblijven. Eerder die dag was ik al hier voorbij gekomen en zag het plaatje al voor me.... 'warm licht, kleurenspel op de wolken en de schapen in de voorgrond). Uiteindelijk rond 8 uur dit moment vastgelegd. De zon gaf de aanwezige wolken een fraaie kleur en kon ik met de hup van het 'baas schaap' (links!) de groep schapen in dit fraaie geheel vastleggen.
Merry X-Mas 'May the Light be With You!'
Wishing you all nice X-Mas days. A candle with warm light emphasizing the blue hour - I Love it 🙂
Kommerdijk Gendt
Colours, some clouds in the sky.... a little piece of water and tree.... only missing is some fog maybe.... but I like this for now.... Have A Nice One...
Many thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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third time's the charm (3x = scheepsrecht) | Sunset along the Waaldijk
My photobuddy and I went yesterday evening for the third time trying to shoot some nice landscapes. Evening one the weather was dull and it got overcasted. Evening two the sky was clear and nothing happened. But yesterday while driving around, we couldn't find a right spot while the sun was setting. Than this nice place lay there waiting for us to be taken. 'third time's the charm'
Many thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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Nightfalls over Huissen Loovelden Het Buiten
yesterday evening, the sun was setting and exposing nice tones... I couldn't resist that atmosphere. Grabbed my tripod, filters and just my camera with unresistable 16-35 mm. f/4 L lens.
Many thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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Grasland bedekt met wolken
als je Huissen inrijdt is deze weide met gras met op de achtergrond boerderij het Duifje een mooi aanblik. De natuurlijke begrazing enkele malen per jaar zorgt ervoor dat grassen uitbundig bloeien. De zon liet zich hier even achter de wolken zien om de gouden gloed te creëren.
Lees ook mijn laatste fotoblog:
Many thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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Loovelden, de Batua/Stuitbos
Afgelopen week mocht ik in opdracht van BPD Ontwikkeling BV (Bouwfonds) wat zichtpunten in de woonwijk fotograferen. Vlak voor zonsondergang ontstond dit sfeertje nog boven het Stuitbos, dus gelijk voor mezelf ook maar wat gefotografeerd 😉
Thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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Golden tones Huisen Loovelden, het eiland
just around the corner is this spot of the neighbourhood I live in. No it isn't a landmark like the Tuscani hills, the Amsterdam Canals or the London Eye. But I shoot to enjoy and please myself and this light with these clouds.... I just can't get enough.... it is not always about the landmarks, it is more about the light, the right light.... and I believe this is the right light. Enjoy.
Many thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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de grote bloem, Huissen
lees en bekijk er meer over op mijn fotoblog:
Thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
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Met mijn hoofd in de wolken bij de Grote Bloem in Huissen
lees en bekijk er meer over op mijn fotoblog:
Thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much! Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved
Follow me on my: Photoblog | Facebook
Dutch scenery
deze wolkenluchten - ik moest even gaan fotograferen! Kon niet echt ver weg dus dan 'maar' om de hoek in Huissen.
Huissen Looveer, na regen komt zonneschijn
vanmiddag onderweg naar huis trok een zware depressie voorbij. Snel naar huis gereden, de camera gepakt en even bij het Huissens Looveer het staartje van deze bui gefotografeerd die toen boven Westervoort, Duiven en de Achterhoek.
Kom in de Kas 2015
afgelopen weekend, Kom in de Kas. Nog eventjes samen met Patrick gaan kijken! Op mijn blog tref je nog meer kleurrijke foto's aan. De abstractie, de lijnen was het wat me hier aansprak.
Huissen Loovelden de Blauwe Wig
Heb niets met regen, maar wel met de fraaie wolkenluchten die dan ontstaan en gelukkig liet de zon zich zo nu en dan ook zien. Deze keer bedacht om de opname te maken met de X-Stopper en Soft Grad ND6 0.4 van 84.5 mm. uit de ultimate line.
Bekijk meer foto's van mijn 'achtertuin' op mijn fotoblog hier:
Huissen Loovelden, de Blauwe Wig
Gisteravond, magic hour.... de wolken trokken uitéén en het zonlicht kleurde ze van oranje tot rood. Alweer een tijdje geleden dat ik in 'mijn achtertuin' foto's gemaakt heb. De één heeft het Reitdiep, de ander Rotterdam ik heb Huissen Loovelden! Meer zien van mijn achtertuin, kijk dan hier in het album Huissen op mijn fotoblog.
A Dragon in the Sky! Should I Stay, or Should I Go - part II?
Huissen, Loovelden 'Het Eiland'
vanavond wéér even een mooi moment van licht, wolken...géén ambitie, zin en tijd om erop uit te gaan....dus maar even naar een vertrouwd plekkie...
2x Ultimate Line filter, ND4 en ND8 gestacked, daarna bewerkt in Lightroom en plugin NIK fx - Viveza.... met deze laatste tool kun je erg selektief kleuren, verzadiging, contrast verwerken.
Should I Stay, or Should I Go?
gisteravond, tussen regen- en onweersbuien door werd het licht onwaarschijnlijk mooi... toch nog maar even de camera gepakt en naar voren gelopen..... een volgende bui diende zich aan....
The Ever Changing Lights de uiterwaarden tussen Huissen en de Nederrijn. Van zon tot regenwolken en telkens weer ander licht.... toch nog even mijn momentje gevonden...
Om de hoek in Huissen Loovelden
een mooie zonsondergang, druk vliegverkeer en spelen met filters en toepassen Serge Ramelli techniek....